

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monthly Update: Month 3

This, of course, is late but here is what Sebastian was up to in Month 3...

  • He started daycare... such a brave, big boy!  It was probably harder for us to leave him the first day than it was for him.  His teachers say he rarely naps because he doesn't want to miss out on anything.  :) 
  • He loves being on his changing pad and especially likes staring at his zebra picture.
  • Doesn't really nap for long stints anymore (boy, do I miss those days) - we are constantly trying to find new ways to keep him entertained!  Looks like mommy and daddy are gonna have to brush up on those nursery rhymes!
  • He no longer likes his MamaRoo or Snug-a-bunny Swing!  He'd much rather sleep on one of us and when we try to put him down, he'll immediately start bawling.  At least we know he loves us?!  ;)
  • He has stinky feet!  How can someone so small get so stinky, seriously?  This is especially true when he wears socks for even just a few minutes.  
  • He sneezes just like daddy - super loud and super violent!
  • Is it weird that I think his voice "dropped" a little?  I swear it sounds like he went through baby puberty since he started school!  I know, I'm crazy. 
  • Sebastian is the King of Spit-up!  His daycare has even mentioned their concern a few times.  After each spit-up he gives us the biggest smile so I guess that makes up for the mess we have to clean up.  :)
  • This kid is getting BIG!  He is outgrowing all of his swaddles and we had to go out and get bigger clothes.  It makes me so sad to have to put all his preemie and newborn clothes out of commission in his closet.  On top of that, we realized that we never really put him in pants but since he was going to school we thought we'd properly cover him up.  
  • He is starting to hate his car seat.  We get so much anxiety when we're about to leave because we never know if he's going to cry his eyes out in the car the whole way to our destination or if he'll pass out.  At this point, we make sure when we're both going one of us is in the back with him for entertainment purposes.  
  • Sebastian is smiling and "talking" more and more these days and we absolutely LOVE it!  :)  

1 comment:

  1. Wow, time is flying. He's already FOUR months old! 1/3 of a year. Crazy, isn't it?
