

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Mariners Game - 5.26.13

On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend (5.26.13), we (along with Charlie and his girlfriend, Sam) took David's cousin, Daniel, to his first Mariners game.  Being 8 months pregnant, I was nervous about the crowds, amount of potential walking, painful heartburn from the food, and a sore booty from hours of sitting on a stadium chair.  Luckily, since it was a holiday weekend, there weren't a lot of people in attendance so traffic and crowds weren't too bad, the elephant ear I consumed was kind to me, and although we were in the nosebleed section, the seats were surprisingly comfortable!  :) 

We ended up leaving a little early and didn't catch the end of the game - but, the M's played into the  13th inning and beat the Texas Rangers by one point (Mariners: 4, Rangers: 3)!  Overall, I'd say it was a successful trip to the ballpark!  

Yum! Always gotta grab the largest lemonade!  My fav!

Not a bad view for being in the nosebleed section!

The Hubs & I with our double chins... :(

Daniel & Charlie

Yikes... sugar high time!

Posing with all his new M's loot!

And there goes the sugar high crash!

Dinner with the Zetas

The day after my 2nd baby shower, we met up with a few of the Zetas (Stephanie, Mingie, Baby Livie, Kate, Steve, and Baby Emi) for dinner in the Mill Creek Town Center at Tablas Woodstone Taverna (a yummy little tapas place).  The Vos were in town from California for the weekend and this was our last get chance to see them before they flew home.  

Dinner conversation was focused on weddings, baby gear, and baby milestones - my how things change when you're an "adult"!  :)  Unfortunately, we didn't get to snap a photo of the whole group but we managed to get some of the sweet little chicas and their first meeting (Emi on the left, Livie on the right).  Just think - the next photo of them will likely include Baby Ko (lucky boy with a nice selection of cuties).  

Thursday, May 23, 2013


We cannot wait to meet little boy, Baby Ko!  I can't imagine what he'll be like... will he be more like David or me or a perfectly blended combination?  To pass the time and combat this drawn out waiting game, I thought it'd be fun to morph our faces together to see what our little Kopino might look like. I remember this being done at Maureen's baby shower for Maeve but it wasn't at all accurate! ;) David thinks the morphed photo looks like an orphan from a 3rd world country (is that okay to say?!).  I guess we'll just have to wait and see!  ;) 

Baby Shower #2

On Saturday, May 18th, I headed over to Trophy Cupcakes in Wallingford for my second baby shower  hosted by Jenny, Maureen, and Jen (here is the post to my first shower). When I got there, I was greeted by a room full of gray and yellow cuteness (I wish I was half as crafty and creative as my friends)!  :)  In addition to the adorable decor, the food and desserts were absolutely delish!  HUGE thanks, J/M/J for putting this all together for me - I absolutely loved it ALL!  :)

My guest list was comprised of very special gals I've met throughout life and I was so happy to see each and every one of them!  We all enjoyed the yummy food prepared by Jen and satisfied our sweet tooths with macarons, cupcakes, and sugar cookies.  We also played a couple shower games - a baby word scramble (Layne, ftw) and a guessing game to see how many socks were filled in a jar (technically Layne won that too but the prize went to the 2nd place winner - can't remember who that was at this point).  Jenny even read two sweet baby poems (below).  


Two tiny feet
That wave in the air
Two tiny hands
That tug at your hair
Cute bottom for patting
Adorable face
A bundle of joy
To love and embrace


He's a little bit of sunshine
He's a smile to light your days
He will steal your hearts and 
Keep them with his warm endearing ways
He's your precious little son
With a sweetness from above
Who will fill your years with laughter
And your lives with lots of love

Its hard to fully express how special and loved I felt during the shower. I am so thankful to be surrounded by such wonderful friends and soon-to-be aunties to Baby Ko!  He's not even here yet but I know he is already loved!  Thank you, sweet friends, for showering us with so much love and for your generous and adorable presents!  You are all too, too kind and thoughtful!  The Ko family truly cannot wait for you all to meet lil' Ko (only about a month left to go - yikes)!

Cute invites made by Jenny!

There were 31 teeny, tiny lil' socks in there! (Side note: Just did our first load of baby clothes/socks/mittens/blankets - not an easy task to match up all those small socks & mittens!)

The desserts were SO good! Macarons, Trophy Cupcakes, and Sugar Cookies! (My mouth is watering as I type this!)

Cute cupcake details to match the shower theme!

Yummy food made by Lil' Jen!  Everything was delicious!

Such a pretty table!

Party favors filled with lemon heads!

Jenny reading two sweet poems


Mamas & their Toms! (Love Maureen - isn't she the cutest preggo?!)



Angela, Janet, & Kimberly (pals from Physio)

Kate, Mingie, Jenny, Stephanie, & Jen (ZTAs)

The whole gang!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Weekly Bump: Week 34

Hello from Baby Ko

Last week, we had to get an ultrasound to make sure Baby Ko was measuring okay.  Because I was so sick during those first few months, my doctor was a little worried that he wasn't growing like he was supposed to.  Additionally, he was only in the 9th percentile in terms of size during our previous ultrasound and I guess they start to worry when the baby is under the 10th percentile.  

Good news is that Baby Ko did indeed grow (my double chin and heavy belly could've told ya that) and he is now in the 13th percentile!  Yes, still small, but let's be honest, his parents aren't giants or anything!  Our doctor thinks he'll be about 5-6 pounds when he pops out so we're getting a few preemie things in preparation for our teeny, tiny lil' one.  

Anyway, at the end of the appointment, the ultrasound technician asked if we wanted to get a 3D rendering and of course we said "Yes!".  What a fun surprise!  :)  Just like our last ultrasound, we got to see firsthand that our baby boy is quite active in there and likes to suck on his fingers.  He is now head down and is facing my left side (hence the strong kicks and punches on that side).  Unfortunately, half of his face was covered by a hand and foot but at least we got to see part of him!  So... does he look like mommy or daddy?!  :)  We can't really tell but just seeing that 3D picture just makes things even more real!  There's a real human in there!  ;)

Pookie's New "Friend"

When it came time to designing Baby Ko's nursery I knew I wanted to incorporate Boston Terriers in it somehow (duh, would you expect anything less?!).  After countless searches on Etsy (love that site!) I came across a shop that specialized in Boston Terrier stuffed animals.  I contacted the shop right away and sent her tons of photos of Pookie so that she could create a stuffie with her exact same markings.  

A couple weeks ago we finally received our Pookie replica!  Here are a few photos of Pookie's first encounter with it.  Surprisingly, she didn't think it was a new toy at that first meeting but sadly, we now have to keep it out of reach because she now tries to rip its limbs off whenever possible!  We're not worried though, we actually bought her a pillow shaped like a dog for her to sleep on downstairs - she tried eating him at first but we quickly got her trained to just cuddle with it during nap time.  She now affectionately knows him as her BFF, Leonard (or Lenny).  Man... we really need to get a life, huh?!  ;) 

Who the heck is this, mom?!  (And yes, she did try to sniff its butt!)

Briefly distracted by real dogs outside

Forced to pose with her new buddy!

And just for fun... proof that Pookie doesn't always tear stuffed animals to shreds - her good ol' pal, Lenny!

Mother's Day 2013

This year we had a super packed Mother's Day weekend filled with surprises, birthdays, dinners, and of course, time with family.  We kicked the weekend off by picking up Kelly and Adrianna from the  airport on Friday - they were in town to surprise Mama Ko who in addition to Mother's Day, was also celebrating her birthday.  That night, we went to a Ko family hot spot for dinner - the ever popular, Thai Ho.  

The following day, David and I ran much needed errands for the nursery and also grabbed some stuff for our yard before David set out to do some yard work while I got my cardio on at the mall (side note: sadly, we are the ghetto neighbors with the crappy yard - if you can even call it that!).  For dinner, we assembled yet again for a home cooked meal at the Ko house and also celebrated Katherine's birthday (David's cousin).  

Fast forward to Sunday morning, where we met for a final meal at David's aunt's house before Kelly and Adrianna had to head back to California.  Can you see a theme with our get-togethers?!  Needless to say, we definitely ate way too much! But, apparently, that's what pregnant women are supposed to do, right?  You know, eat enough for 2-3 people each sitting... at least that's what I was instructed (forced) to do!  ;) Although it was a whirlwind/tiring weekend, it was fun to get to spend time with Kelly and Adrianna!  In my opinion, they should just move here already!!  :) 

Anyway, later that night, we finally got to visit my parents and more importantly wish my own mom a Happy Mother's Day.  After eating Korean food all weekend, it was a nice change to partake in some Filipino cuisine (but, I suppose I'm a little biased).  My aunt and uncle were also there and our dinner conversation was centered on the differences between American-born kids and those back in the Motherland.  Apparently, I am too opinionated, bossy, and non-domesticated for my own good!  I'm not that bad, am I?!  ;) 

It wasn't until we finally got home that I got to truly reflect on Mother's Day.  I know my mom and I don't always see eye to eye on some things and I can really, really piss her off but I am so very thankful to have been blessed with her as my mom.  My mom and I have always been close and I can't imagine a more devoted, hands-on, supportive, and loving mother than her.  It's a good thing I have such a great  mama role model for Baby Ko!  :)

I cannot believe that this was my last Mother's Day as just a doggy mommy!  I can't imagine what it'll be like next year when Baby Ko is here!  Speaking of, my sweet lil' Pookie (with the help of her daddy) gave me a cute Mother's Day photo collage.  Everyone who knows me are fully aware how obsessed I am with her - I just love her to pieces!  Without fail, she makes me feel better when I'm sad or stressed and when I'm away from home for too long, I miss her like crazy!  With such strong feelings for my furry baby, you can bet that I'll be just as crazy for my little boy!  I can't wait for our little family of 3 to welcome its newest member!  :) 

Weekly Bump: Week 33

Weekly Bump: Week 32

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Walk in the Park

A couple weeks ago, we decided to take advantage of the PNW sun and head over to our new favorite park in Martha Lake.  Since this park is still relatively new, it wasn't overcrowded so we got to enjoy the area in peace.  We even had a chance to walk through a neighborhood nearby and go "window shopping" for features of our future dream home (let's be honest, we aren't going anywhere anytime soon).   

Although the heat isn't the most comfortable thing for this preggo, fingers crossed that the sun will come back again for an extended period of time!

Here are some photos of our family excursion: 

Sweet girl is excited for the car ride & sunshine!

Oh my! Please excuse his socks with sandals look! ;)

Our First Post

Thanks for switching over to our new blog! I promise we'll have new posts soon!  All of our previous posts can be found here: