I can't believe my little buddy has been out in the real world for as long as he was in my belly! Wow. The nine months leading up to Sebastian's birth seriously felt like FOREVER! Conversely, the last nine months have been a blur! I almost can't remember what it was like without the little munchkin in our lives. Here's what he's been up to this month:
- Our little man is extra talkative these days (daddy thinks he must take after mommy) so we call him Mr. Blah Blah - his favorite "word" ;) Towards the middle of the month (around David's birthday), he officially started saying "Dada" - although I don't think he associates the word with David yet because sometimes I'll leave the room and he'll start screaming "Dada" until I return. ;) I am also happy to report that he doesn't discriminate and is also saying "mama" now; although not as frequent as dada.
- He tried "meat" for the first time this month and loves it (chicken and turkey)! We always try to taste his food pouches whenever its a new flavor and wow... the meat ones are not so yummy. As long as he eats them, we're good!
- Sebastian started partaking in school-offered lunches this month! His first meal consisted of bananas and green beans! His teachers say he is a really good eater!
- He tried spaghetti for the first time! We cut the noodles up really small and put them on his little dinosaur plate to pick up with his hands. In order to minimize mess, we tried to put saran wrap over his high chair tray but that didn't work out as well as we had hoped. ;) All in all, I'd say most of it ended up in his lap but I think he really enjoyed it. :)
- Sebastian is doing the "normal" crawl now - he's finally figured out how to incorporate his legs! :) Man, is he super quick! He still likes to stand every chance he gets. Its only a matter of time before he starts walking... crazy!
- He seems to favor the color yellow - he'll have a pile of toys in front of him and he'll always pick up the yellow ones to chew and hang on to.
- He loves to make big splashes during bath time - still loving the water!
- He has two new upper teeth to keep his bottom teeth company! He likes to grind them - it is the worst sound EVER!
- Sebastian loves to blow raspberries on David's shoulder. Its hard to believe such a little dude can produce SO much drool! :)
- He's exhibited a couple instances of stranger danger - sadly, it was with family members he's seen multiple times. But, I gotta admit, I do love it when he automatically looks for me and reaches out for me to grab him. :)
- Sebastian is sleeping SO much better these days! He used to take super long naps after daycare (4:30-7:00 PM) in his car seat but after suggestions from a couple friends, we no longer let him nap past 5:00 PM. His bedtime is now between 5:30 and 7:00 PM. Although he does need to eat in the middle of the night and does a little whining/whimpering thing around 1:30 AM every day (and some times each subsequent hour or so thereafter), we've noticed that going to bed early makes him happy! Oops... makes me feel a little guilty that we were "depriving" him of sleep for so long with an original bed time of about 9:30 PM. I'm glad we finally figured it out!
- Here are the stats from his 9-month check-up:
- Height: 72 cm (58th percentile - What?! Pretty good for a lil' Kopino!)
- Weight: 16.9 lbs (6th percentile)
- PS. Can you tell that both Sebastian and Pookie were SUPER tired in this photo shoot?! ;) We had a tough time getting a good shot because neither one were in the mood and just sat there blankly for the most part. Oh well!
Glad he's sleeping better for you!