We love looking at Sebastian's hands (and feet) and always marvel at how stinking cute they are and of course sometimes wish that time would just slow down to keep that way a lil' longer. That said, for Christmas, we wanted to capture all that cuteness via a Christmas art project for the grandparents. We went to Color Me Mine in Mill Creek on a Saturday afternoon and didn't leave until it was dark. You can blame that on this indecisive and not-so-artistic mama and one sleepy, cranky baby. ;)
Anyway, although it took us a while to get the projects done we are so happy with the finished result. Now I wish we had created a third one for us to keep at our house! :( Oh well… overall it was a fun time so I'm sure we'll be going back in the future with our baby artist.
A little afternoon bottle & diaper change in the car before art project time!
Can you tell it was Movember?
Why you mad, bro?!
Tired & cranky lil' one…
Oooh… I like flying pigs… ;)
Ta da! The finished products! :)
Those are adorable!