And we officially have a 2-month old, folks! This also means I only have one more month to spend all day with my two littles at home. I'm pretty sure that come October, little Miss Pookie will be saying good riddance to a full day of cries from her brother and ridiculous singing/baby talk from her mommy to get him to settle down (actually, she's already over it)! ;) When having kids was just a "someday" thing, I always imagined myself desperately wanting to go back to work by the end of maternity leave. I am pleasantly surprised that this is not the case (perhaps that maternal instinct did kick in after all!). At this point, not working isn't an option (especially given my shopping habit & our travel dreams) - don't get me wrong, I do generally like to work and a career is important to me - but, I just don't want to miss anything! Just thinking about all the photos and videos I send David throughout the workday so he doesn't miss anything makes me think about what I'll potentially miss when I enter the world of a working mom. We're gonna have to figure out a way to attach a camera to Sebastian. Is that helicopter mom-ish?! ;)
Anyway, for now, I still have a month to enjoy this special bonding time with my guy and gal. Serious kudos to those who are stay-at-home parents, single parents, or parents of more than one. How do y'all do it?! It sure is hard work but oh so worth it! :)
Here is the world according to Sebastian in Month 2:
- This boy is a Weezer fan! We constantly have the Rockabye Weezer songs playing - on our phones, the MamaRoo, the car... and surprisingly, David and I aren't tired of it!
- Speaking of the MamaRoo, at some point in this month, Sebastian decided it wasn't always gonna cut it for getting him to sleep. :( We discovered that he loves big, sweeping motions so we had to bite the bullet and purchase yet another baby item (this is where David would roll his eyes and say that the baby industry is even worse than the wedding industry). We are now the proud owners of the Snug-a-Bunny Swing... can you say "lifesaver"? ;)
- Sebastian is doing okay with his tummy time although he prefers doing it on us versus on his play mat. When he is on the mat, he favors the monkey rattle and likes to grab its tail. So far, he has rolled from his tummy to back four total times unassisted and he has a pretty strong little neck!
- He loves to "stand" and "dance". I'm sure he'll be doing the stanky leg like his dad in no time. ;) He also loves to sit up and observe. I hope that means he'll enjoy people watching someday with his mama.
- He surprisingly loves being licked in the face and feet by his big sister.
- He stays awake A LOT more (read: Mama gets nothing done)
- Sebastian enjoys our afternoon family walks in the ErgoBaby and Solly Baby wrap (summer, please last a little longer!)
- He loves being swaddled super tight with his right arm close to his chest and his left arm against his side so his little hand can peek out in the opening.
- He is turning into quite the chunkster these days! We are always amazed by how much he's able to throw down. His baby rolls are delicious! ;)
- Here are the stats from Sebastian's 2-month check-up:
- Height - 23.1 cm (50th percentile)
- Weight - 10 lbs, 11 oz (13th percentile)
- Lil' man also had to get 4 vaccines (1 orally & 3 shots in the legs) - so tough to watch! :(